the truth about processed food

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pie day: jim's apple pie

Meal Delivery For Your Routine


Meal Delivery For Your Routine

Because Your Needs Should Be Met

Picture this: you’re caught up in the mid-week rush of your daily life, juggling a million things at once, and the mere thought of spending hours in the
How V+B Fits into Your Routine.


How V+B Fits into Your Routine.

Save Time While Eating Healthfully

Living a full life means having the time, energy, and freedom to do the things you love. Eating healthfully
Flexible, Pause-able, Customizable


Flexible, Pause-able, Customizable

Plans That Fit Your Lifestyle

At V+B, our mission is to make it simple to eat healthy—which means we do all the work, and you get to do the things you love. So, we want...


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take our quiz to find the program
that's right for your lifestyle + goals
Vegetable + Butcher Has a New Look


Vegetable + Butcher Has a New Look

Our Future Looks Green

Today, we're pulling back the curtain on a refreshed Vegetable + Butcher brand. We're excited to share more about why we made these updates and what the future looks like. 
Vegetable and Butcher Meal Delivery Service DC


What to Expect From Your First V+B Delivery

Food for Better

V+B exists to make our customers' lives healthier and easier. You'll get time back in your day to have fun with your family, go for a run, tend to your...
Supporting Our Local Community + Planet


Supporting Our Local Community + Planet

An Update To Our Pricing

Since starting V+B in 2016, we have been on a mission to make it easy to live a healthy lifestyle while being kind to the planet and supporting our local community—all...

Food + Beverage

Best of Week Revies February 12

best of reviews winners