The Vegetable meets The Butcher

"Everyone is a seeker in his or her own way. We are all concerned about understanding ourselves, people, places, times, and experiences. We exert some degree of effort trying to develop that understanding further. We seek truth in many different forms -- greater, simpler, or other. We seek answers, solutions, and results. We are more than just a blog, and more than just food."

We're a group of people trying to change health one blog topic at a time. Our aim is to serve up content for those in search of optimal performance, both mentally and physically. We understand there's no-one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to diets and lifestyles, but small changes -- more sleep, exercise, less stress, and eating real food -- can lead to greater and more impactful changes on our health.

Follow us along our journey to becoming better version of ourselves.

Disclaimer: Any medical discussion on this blog is intended to be of general nature only. This blog is not designed to give specific medial advice.


Ariane Valle

Co-Founder of Vegetable and Butcher and your very average weight lifter. When not eating kale, you can find Ariane reading Bukowski, listening to her favorite podcast (it's a toss-up between Tim Ferris and Dan Carling) or running soe numerous mile through the streets of DC. As a former calorie counting addict, Ariane has more recently stayed away from her calorie counting days in facir id choosing the right ingredients, exercising regularly and prioritizing quality sleep (and what a difference!). Armed with only fruits and vegiies (and her co-founder Turner), Ariane hopes to show you the power of a plant-based diet.

more than food


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