Meet Lina Salazar, Health Coach

This is Lina Salazar. She's the woman behind the integrative health coaching practice Live Well, where she supports women in their journey to living a healthy life. She shares tons of clean eating meals and tips on her Instagram, but she also supplements her diet with V+B.

Fun fact before we get started: Lina recently climbed Mount Kilimanjaro! So yes, we think she's awesome! Read on:

Where are you from?
I'm originally from Bogota, Colombia. I live in the US since 2010.

What do you do?
I'm the head and founder of LiveWell, a health coaching practice based in D.C. I work with women who are tired of fighting food and their bodies and desire live a healthy, happy life where they can enjoy food and the people around them without depriving. Something my clients have in common is that they have the willingness to tackle the obstacles that are preventing them from transforming the way they eat and live. In addition to one on one health coaching with women, I also offer grocery tours, pantry renewals and workshops and seminars for various types of organizations on health & wellness.

How did you get into healthy eating?
It's a long story, but I can say it originated in my struggle with an eating disorder that developed when I was 12 years old. See here (2-part story). My interest in real, nourishing food was later complemented by a conviction that the food we eat not only impacts our health, but also the planet. When we eat healthy, real food, we also have a positive impact on the food system overall.

Lina Salazar

Do you have a favorite tip or word to live by when it comes to a well balanced, healthy lifestyle?
Progress, not perfection! .... and eat real food, move, love, sleep!

Favorite V+B Meal?
It's hard to pick one favorite! The pozole is delicious! Followed by the coconut curry dal with roasted cauliflower.

Favorite podcast or book you’re reading right now?
Reading two at the moment: Ishmael, by Daniel Quinn and Food Politics, Marion Nestle.
(NPR's podcast "How I Built This" is pretty amazing).

How do you like to move and stay active?
I mix it up! That's the way to go. Based on how I'm feeling I practice yoga, do interval training at Cut7, run in Rock Creek and spin.

Tell us one thing you find unique about yourself.
The combination of three factors make me and my Health Coaching practice unique: I recovered from an eating disorder and learned through practice how to live a healthy, happy life free from food obsession; I'm a Lawyer, hold a masters in public policy and worked in international development for most of my career; and I'm passionate about consumer education and helping my clients make smart consumption decisions that are good for their bodies and the planet. In each session, my clients meet a passionate health coach that has learned how to live well and healthy through years of experience, as well as a structured professional with a conviction for sustainable food systems.

Connect with Lina:
Twitter: @LinaSalazar
Instagram: @Live.Well.Way

Lina is a V+B Affiliate, meaning she tried us, loved us, and now represents our brand without compensation.

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