more than food
It's great to meet you
Not so long ago Vegetable + Butcher was an idea on the back of a napkin.
Turner and I were two kids just enjoying the time we spent together -- brainstorming in the Kogod Courtyard at the Portrait Gallery or sitting on the floor of Barnes & Noble reading books about starting a business -- little did we know that those moments would eventually transform into something tangible.
Our idea turned into a shared table in a shared kitchen, and with each passing year, our table and kitchen grew along with the community we served and the team supporting it.
When we started V+B in 2016, our goal was to make it easier for people to eat more healthfully. That vision still drives us today, but over the years, we’ve learned that it isn’t just about health and convenience. At it’s core, food is about forming connections; it shapes our relationships with ourselves, and by extension our community, and our planet.
Today, Vegetable + Butcher is a community of people like you and we wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you for being on this journey, and for being a part of this absolute magic.
Ariane + Turner