what is bloating?

bloating is a sensation that makes the abdomen feel larger than normal.

bloating usually happens when excess gas builds up in the stomach or intestines.


what is bloating?

bloating is a sensation that makes the abdomen feel larger than normal.

bloating usually happens when excess gas builds up in the stomach or intestines.


why so gassy?

the colon is filled with bacteria, yeasts + fungi, which break down the foods not digested by the small intestine, mostly different forms of carbohydrates.

these bacteria particularly enjoy undigested carbs, and the fermentation leads to gas production, hydrogen + methane expelled
flatus (aka farts).


you say food, i say swallowed air

our eating behavior's + other habits such as chewing gum or drinking through a straw, can cause us to swallow more air.

about half the gas in the digestive system is swallowed air. the rest is produced by bacteria in the gut.


beat the bloat

the best way to tackle bloating is to determine it’s cause.

how sensitive we are to gas production varies widely.

one great way to track your gas production is to keep a record of foods you’ve eaten or habits you’ve recently changed or made.


how v+b can help

tracking the foods you eat and the way you feel after each meal can help determine the cause of your bloating, but can be difficult to do if you don't plan your meals in advance.

save time and discover what foods satisfy you and feel good within your unique body. sign up for one of our weekly programs to receive ready to eat, gluten and dairy free meals, delivered fresh to your door. 

have questions? chat with our nutrition coach to find what program works best for you and your goals.